CP-10: System Recovery and Reconstitution

NIST Baseline:  Low 

DIR Required By:  07/20/2023 

Review Date:  07/10/2024

  • Information resource owners or their designees, in coordination with the Tarleton Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), are responsible for maintaining a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for High or Moderate Impact information resources. Each DRP will include:  
    • Procedures for activating information resources at an alternate site to resume and sustain critical business functions during a contingency;  
    • Recovery resources including license keys if applicable;  
    • Disaster recovery roles, responsibilities, and assigned individuals with contact information; 
    • Step-by-step instructions for a full system restoration without deterioration of security controls; and  
    • Process for validating the recovery. 
  • For information resources not meeting the definition of High or Moderate Impact, the capability to restore the information resource to a desired operational state shall be established to the extent deemed necessary, based on documented risk management decisions. 
  • The recovery and reconstitution procedures shall be tested as described in Control CP-4 Contingency Plan Testing

References/Additional Resources

None.  See any applicable internal procedures. 

SP 800-34