AC-18: Wireless Access

NIST Baseline:  Low 

DIR Required By:  07/20/2023 

Review Date:  08/27/2024 

The main objective of the wireless network is to provide an Internet connection that can be used to allow connectivity where a wired solution is not feasible (e.g., mass access areas such as a lecture room, dining area, certain exterior spaces, etc.) at Tarleton State University (Tarleton). In general, it is not intended to be a replacement for the wired infrastructure in conducting university business. However, there may be situations where a wired infrastructure is not feasible and wireless access may be used to access information resources, if appropriate security measures are taken. 

These procedures are necessary to preserve the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of Tarleton information. 

  • Unauthorized access points and network attached wireless devices are prohibited on the Tarleton network. Periodic monitoring will be conducted to identify unauthorized networks. Information resource owners (i.e., device owners or owners of information resources) will be contacted and requested to comply with this control. 
  • Individuals and departments are prohibited from extending the Tarleton network through means of wireless technologies. 
  • Department networks not supported by the Office of Innovative Technology Solutions (OITS) must obtain written approval from authorized OITS personnel for the use and installation of wireless technologies utilizing the Tarleton network (send an email message to 
  • Only approved wireless clients are allowed to access the Tarleton WiFi network. 
    • Access to the wireless network shall be authenticated by OITS approved methods such as Tarleton-assigned NTNET account username and password, an eduroam (education roaming) federation account, or as otherwise coordinated by OITS. 
    • Students, faculty and staff must access the campus wireless network using the Tarleton-WiFi network or eduroam. 
    • Guest wireless accounts (guests) are authorized to use the Tarleton-Visitor wireless network only under the following condition: 
      • Guest access shall only be granted through submission of a Guest Account Request by authorized personnel of a sponsoring unit to OITS. 
  • The following are expectations for guest sponsors, guest users, and research partners: 
  • Tarleton-WiFi network provides “best effort” service for all Tarleton students, faculty, staff and guests campus-wide. Use of the wireless network for activities requiring highly reliable service is not recommended. 
  • Limited special requests may be granted by the Tarleton Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or designee (e.g., research projects requiring isolated wireless devices for experiments). Each special request shall be submitted to or by opening a service request and will require a site evaluation.  If granted, all instructions provided by OITS in the special request communication must be followed. 

References/Additional Resources

OITS – Wireless 

Tarleton Rule 29.01.03.T0.01