CA-9: Internal System Connections
NIST Baseline: Low
DIR Required By: 07/20/2023
Review Date: 06/26/2024
- Information resource owners or their designee are responsible for:
- Authorizing internal interconnections (internal connections for a class of components with common characteristics and/or configurations may be authorized as a group);
- Ensuring internal connections are documented including:
- Purpose of the connection.
- Nature of the information communicated based on the Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) data classification and the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 199 impact levels.
- Interface characteristics including host names or IP addresses, data transfer method, ports, and protocols.
- Security requirements and other relevant details about how the information is protected (e.g. authentication, encryption, and firewall rules).
- Data transfer frequency.
- Ensuring that internal interconnections are reviewed periodically to update documentation and terminate connections that are not in use.