IA-2(1): Identification and Authentication (Organizational Users) – Multifactor Authentication to Privileged Accounts

NIST Baseline:  Low 

DIR Required By:  11/18/2024 

TAMUS Required By:  09/13/2021 

Review Date:  07/10/2024 

  1. As specified in Control IA-2, Identification and Authentication (Organizational Users), Multifactor authentication (MFA) should be implemented based on documented risk management decisions for access to privileged or non-privileged accounts where one of the factors is provided by an asset separate from the information being accessed. 
  1. MFA is required for any information resource that stores or processes confidential data, as required by Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) Regulation 29.01.03, Information Security, or critical data. 

References/Additional Resources

TAMUS Regulation 29.01.03, Information Security