PE-3: Physical Access Control
NIST Baseline: Low
DIR Required By: 07/20/2023
Review Date: 07/24/2024
- Information resource custodians who are responsible for Tarleton State University (Tarleton) information resource facilities will ensure that physical access authorizations are enforced by:
- Verifying individual access authorizations before granting access to the facility;
- Controlling physical access to the facility using unit specified safeguards;
- Maintaining physical access audit logs as appropriate based on the criticality of the information resources being protected;
- Escorting and monitoring visitors in restricted areas within the information resource facility;
- Securing and maintaining an inventory of keys, combinations, and other physical access devices; and
- Changing combinations and keys based on applicable unit approved schedules; and when keys are lost, combinations are compromised, or individuals are transferred or terminated.
References/Additional Resources
None. See any applicable internal procedures.