PE-17: Alternate Work Site
NIST Baseline: Moderate
DIR Required By: 07/20/2023
Review Date: 07/24/2024
- Alternate Work Location Guidelines shall guide managers in determining and documenting the alternate work sites allowed for use by employees.
- Tarleton Alternate Work Arrangement requirements can be found through the Office of People & Culture – Flexible Work Arrangements webpage.
- Employees shall comply with the relevant Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) Policies and Regulations, Tarleton Standard Administrative Procedures, and the Tarleton Security Controls related to alternate work sites, including, but not limited to Control AC-17, Remote Access, and Control IR-6, Incident Reporting.
- Information resource custodians shall maintain sufficient management of information resources used at alternate work sites to validate the effectiveness of required security controls.
- Employees shall communicate with the Tarleton Office of Innovative Technology Solutions in case of incidents.
- Tarleton OITS Helpdesk: (254)968-9885 or [email protected], or
- Tarleton OITS Security Team: [email protected].