Scholarly Projects

Check out the projects we currently have going on. If there is one you would be interested in working on, or if you have a related question that you are interested in, let’s chat about if that’s something we can help you answer!

Literature Review Phase

PE District Coordinators

Exploring the role of the PE District Coordinator from a Coach Developer perspective

Coaching Journal Creation

Creation of an applied peer-reviewed scholarly journal for coaching.

Planning Phase

Coach Developer Program Evaluation Interviews

Interviewing coach developers after implementing a program.

National Coaches’ Day

Creating a week-long program for coach education and development for students and appreciation for internship mentors.

Principles of Coaching Modules

Creating online principles of coaching modules for youth sport coaches.

Data Collection Phase

Coaching Efficacy Evolution in Novice Coaches

Tracking introduction to coaching students coaching efficacy levels over the course of the semester.

eSports Performance

Working with collegiate eSports club to answer their own research questions

Genealogy of Coaching Researchers

Data mining academic tree relationships for sport coaching researchers.

National Sport Census

Identifying the sport organizations available in the United States

Data Analysis Phase

Media Portrayal of Coaches

Using TV series ‘Ted Lasso’ to explore impact of media’s portrayal of sport coaches

National Coaching Report

Identifying the qualifications for every high school head coach by state.

Virtual Communities of Practice

Lessons learned from running a virtual CoP with Master’s students

Erath Plays

Identifying the sport opportunities available in Erath county and the gaps in the marketplace for sport offerings.

Writing Results and Discussion Phase

Youth Sport Day

Creating a program to allow for youth sport sampling for community members

Socioecological Model of Youth Sport Coach

Literature Review

Job Task Analysis of the Coach Developer

Identifying roles and responsibilities of the youth sport coach developer

Professionalism in Coaching

Exploring coaches’ perspectives on coaching as a profession

Submission Phase

Coaching in Sport Psychology Literature

Analysis of sport psychology journals for discussion of coaching

PROPEL Professional Development Event

Using the Sport Education Model in eSports

Conceptual article on using the Sport Education Model in eSports

Virtual Communities of Practice

Lessons learned from running a virtual CoP with Master’s students


Refereed International Presentations

Villalon, C. & Agor, C. (2024, June). Are less experienced coaches more confident? Presentation at North American Coach Development Summit, Columbus, OH.

Villalon, C., Atkinson, O., Ward, M., & Agor, C. (2024, June). Where is the coaching research coming from? – Genealogy of Coaching Research. Poster Presentation at North American Coach Development Summit, Columbus, OH.

Atkinson, O., Villalon, C., Bates, S., Bowers, L., & Bobeck, N. (2024, June). Using interdisciplinary teaching practices in coach education. Panelist at North American Coach Development Summit, Columbus, OH.

Villalon, C., Dieffenbach, K., & Thompson, M. (2023, November). Coach developer responsibilities in US youth soccer. Presentation at International Council on Coaching Excellence’s 14th Global Sport Coach Conference, Singapore.

Villalon, C., Dieffenbach, K., & McGahey, P. (2023, November). Virtual CoP in online master’s coaching degree. Presentation at International Council on Coaching Excellence’s 14th Global Sport Coach Conference, Singapore.

Sheehy, T., Villalon, C., & Dieffenbach, K. (2023, October). Considering the coach: An analysis of coach focused literature published within sport psychology journals. Presentation at the Association of Applied Sport Psychology. Orlando, FL.

Villalon, C. & Dieffenbach, K. (2023, June). Roles and responsibilities of a youth sport coach developer in a youth soccer setting in the United States. Presentation at the North American Coach Development Summit, Birmingham, AL.

Refereed National Presentations

Elms, R. & Villalon, C. (2025, January). PROPELing kinesiology students: A professional development approach [Session presentation]. National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education, San Juan, PR, United States. [Accepted].

Villalon, C., Dieffenbach, K., & McGahey, P. (2023, January). Incorporating communities of practice into online graduate internship experiences. Presentation at the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education, New Orleans, LA.

Refereed State Presentations

Villalon, C., Bowers, S., Walton, D., & Atkinson, O. (2024, December). Recommending the sport education model for high school esport programs [Conference presentation]. Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Convention, Galveston, TX, United States. [Accepted].

Villalon, C., Bowers, S., Elms, R., McKay, A., Agor, C., Fussell, J., Gladson, K., & Ward, M. (2024, December). Baseball education day: Applied learning experience collaboration [Conference presentation]. Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Convention, Galveston, TX, United States. [Accepted].

Agor, C. & Villalon, C. (2023, November). High school head coaches’ coaching efficacy by degree area. Poster session presented at the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Fort Worth, TX.

Refereed Local Presentations

Ward, M., Agor, C., & Villalon, C. (2024, March). Proposal: Impact of ‘Ted Lasso’ on perceptions of effective coaching. Poster session presented at the PROPEL Professional Development Research Symposium, Stephenville, TX.

Agor, C. & Villalon, C. (2024, March). Learners longitudinal coaching efficacy scores in introductory coaching course. Poster session presented at the PROPEL Professional Development Research Symposium, Stephenville, TX.

Agor, C. & Villalon, C. (2024, February). Erath County ‘state of play’: Available opportunities. Poster session presented at the Division of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (RIED) Research Symposium, Stephenville, TX.

Lacey, P., Agor, C., Reagan, B., & Villalon, C. (2024, February). Relationship between Esports performance and wellness factors. Poster session presented at the Division of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (RIED) Research Symposium, Stephenville, TX.

Invited International Presentations

Bowers, L., Villalon, C., Faucett, A., Hammond, L., & Dieffenbach, K. (2023, June). The challenges of evolving sport coach education in academic programs. Panelist at the North American Coach Development Summit, Birmingham, AL.

Invited Local Presentations

McKay, A., Johnson, A., Villalon, C., Baldwin, J., Mackey-Underwood, N. (2023, June). TRIO Workshop. A workshop presented to TRIO Program Students in Summer Wellness Workshop elective course, Stephenville, TX.

Roberts, E., Villalon, C., & Henry, R. (2023, May). Santo ISD Career Day (Intermediate). Guest speaker presented at Santo ISD Career Day, Santo, TX.

Roberts, E., Villalon, C., & Henry, R. (2023, May). Santo ISD Career Day (Novice). Guest speaker presented at Santo ISD Career Day, Santo, TX.

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