Staff Senate

Group photo of Tarleton State University staff members.
Staff Senate 2024-2025

Staff Senate shall represent the staff of Tarleton State University in all matters of general interest to staff employees including matters raised by Senate Representatives, Senate Committees, and by the President of the University, and through petition, by any full-time and any part-time staff employee. The Staff Senate is the principal means of communication between the staff and the administration of the University. The Staff Senate shall be empowered to act for and on behalf of the staff and shall express the opinion of the staff on all matters laid before the Staff Senate.

Your Voice Matters!

Your Staff Senate is collaborating with Tarleton’s executive leadership to foster and open dialogue about staff concerns, questions, and opportunities. All submissions should be professional, succinct, and center on opportunities for improvement that impact staff at-large. Please be sure your submissions address questions/issues that are relevant to all staff, rather than personal concerns. Our executive leaders are committed to maintaining an open dialogue, but please remember to remain professional and respectful.

Hands using a laptop and mouse on a desk.

Contact Staff Senate

Recognize a peer, request to present, get scholarship information and more – all in one place!

Our new online form is your one-stop-shop for contacting Staff Senate.

About Staff Senate Meetings

All monthly general Staff Senate meetings are open meetings — we encourage all staff to attend in-person or on Zoom as your schedule permits. Meetings consist of a vote to approve the previous meeting’s minutes, reports from committee chairs, and occasionally other discussion items before a presentation containing helpful information from staff. Presentations are generally made by individuals or departments from across campus and provide information that is either useful for our jobs or geared toward professional growth.

If you’re interested in presenting an item for discussion to Staff Senate, contact us. Staff Senate welcomes requests for presentations from outside groups or individuals.

Please note: Staff Senate Executive Committee meetings are not open to all staff as some information discussed relates to private information.

Upcoming Events