Staff Senate Events
Throughout the year Staff Senate organizes and/or hosts multiple events to encourage, engage and thank the fabulous staff members at Tarleton. Interested in volunteering or getting involved? Complete our online form to let us know how you would like to serve.

Monthly Meetings
Staff Senate meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, excluding holidays. All meetings are open and guests are entered in a drawing for a door prize. Each month we have updates from the various Staff Senate Committees and presentations from departments around campus. This is a great opportunity to get connected, learn about what is happening at Tarleton and ask questions.
Staff Mixers
Our staff works hard all year! Each semester Staff Senate hosts a Staff Mixer so you can take the break you deserve. Enjoy a couple of hours with your peers, games and food!

Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Each year, Staff Senate hosts an appreciation lunch for all full-time staff in recognition of their hard work and dedication to the university. This is an opportunity to for all of our staff to come together and celebrate.
Purple and White Bazaar
Formally known as the Annual Holiday Arts and Crafts Showcase, the Purple and White Bazaar provides the opportunity for our staff, faculty, students and community members do some holiday shopping on campus and support local artisans and vendors. Vendors register to participate, and proceeds from the event go toward our staff scholarship program.

Staff Development Days
Staff Senate collaborates with others around campus to bring forth development opportunities and trainings as requested. Formerly an annual event, staff development is evolving from a single day to multiple training opportunities throughout the year so that more people have the opportunity to participate.
Volunteering at Commencement
Each semester, members of Staff Senate organize volunteers to accept tickets at graduation. This opportunity, like others on this page, is not exclusive to members. Commencement is a big day for our students and their families and this is always a great experience for our staff. If you are interested in volunteering for summer commencement, contact Staff Senate.