The Tarleton Tartan is a registered trademark of Tarleton State University, officially registered with The Scottish Register of Tartans. From the highlands of Scotland this pattern became the synonymous symbol of a clan. Each thread woven within the pattern symbolizes loyalty, honesty, respect and courage. The first recorded Tartan in the the century A.D. created a wave that spread all the way to Tarleton campuses. Our custom pattern, called Ever Forward, Ever Onward, ties deep tradition with core values through its six intersecting lines in order to perfectly symbolize what we stand for.
Our Story
The Tartan Project idea was launched in 2018 within the College of Business. From there it was presented before the College of Business Executive Committee. We obtained full support to fully launch this project. In 2019 a group of 25 students, staff, and faculty came together to build this project from the ground up. Every student within this project plays a key role. This is a completely student run organization that requires dedication and hard-work. From day 1 the ball began to roll with different assignments and roles to be performed by each team member. This project has now branched off into the classroom to help students use this project as a real-world scenario. Showing the future generation of business students the roles and tasks needed to fully develop a business is crucial to the learning experience. This project has opened new possibilities for each business student here at Tarleton. We are excited to see what lies ahead for this project and our future.