Tarleton Center for Child Well-Being

Our Vision is to connect caregivers and children with evidence-based psychological and behavioral health resources that are easy to access, understand, and utilize with the express purpose of early intervention to address problematic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in children.
About Us
The Tarleton Center for Child Well-Being(TCCW) is a multidisciplinary child service center affiliated with Tarleton State University. We provide psychological, behavioral health, and consultation services to families of school-aged children in our community at a reasonable cost by utilizing supervised trainees in service delivery. In addition to working directly with families, the TCCW works with agencies, schools, and programs serving children. The TCCW works with children through age 16.
Our Impact
Stephenville has been designated a Health Provider Shortage Area for mental health services by the federal government. We know that the best way to reduce the impact of mental health problems is by identifying and treating them early. The Texas State House Select Committee on Mental Health Report identified school-age children, or those involved in the school system as a group with increased need for mental health services. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry says that early onset of child mental illness is predictive of lower school achievement and increased burden on the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. A local facility will mean fewer children are referred to the metroplex for psychological evaluation and treatment.
Contact Us
TCCW Phone & Fax
Phone: 254-968-9903
Fax: 254-968-9537