Health Insurance
If you wish to use your health insurance benefits, please be sure to check with your insurance provider regarding your plan’s coverage of mental health services. The TCCW can provide you with a specialized document that you may submit to your insurance company for reimbursement of covered services. The TCCW does not file claims for any insurance companies. This allows for increased privacy and keeps you and your clinician in control of your care. In addition, some families may qualify for services paid on a sliding-scale fee, which is based on household income and size.
What should I tell my child about the evaluation/appointment?
We suggest telling the child that they are going to see a specialist who can help figure out how to make them as happy and healthy as possible. While the child is here, they can expect that we will ask them lots of questions and we’ll do lots of activities. Some of the activities might seem like school work, and some things might be new and interesting! Some children become anxious about visiting a doctor, so if they ask, please reassure them that this visit will not include blood draws or shots. It is important that the child gets a good night’s rest before the evaluation and eats a healthy breakfast. Some children have a difficult stopping playing games/screens, so it is best if they do not start when they enter the office. We have lots of toys and games to help keep the child entertained while you get him/her registered.