Title of Book: Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland
Author: Cindy Neuschwander
Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing
Publication Date: 2001
Brief Summary of Book:

To earn his knighthood, Radius must find and rescue a missing king. His father, Sir Cumference, and his mother, Lady Di of Ameter, give him a circular medallion (a protractor) that he uses to find his way through a maze of many angles. Story helps build concrete examples of using Geometry.

Grade Level Targeted By Learning Activities: 6th Grade

Activity 1: Finding the Circumference given the radius

TEKS addressed by the activity: 6.6C, 6.8 B, 6.11A, 6.12A

Source of this activity: The Lesson Plans Page. (2001, April 29) Math Lesson Plans. [Online] Available: http://www.lessonplanspage.com/Math.htm [2001, April 18]

Materials Needed:

  • Table worksheet
  • Compass
  • Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Yarn
  • Rulers

Procedures for Students to follow:

  1. Draw a circle using a compass for each of the circled radiuses given on the handout.
  2. Cut the circles out.
  3. Using the yarn, measure the circumference of the circle and find the diameter.
  4. Fill in the table with the data collected.
  5. Using just the radius find the remaining circumferences and diameter.


  1. Take up the handout.
  2. Give a quiz.

Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity: none

Activity 2:Magical Pi

TEKS addressed by the activity: 6.1B, 6.2C, 6.3 A, B, C, 6.4 A, B, 6.5, 6.6C, 6.8A, B, 6.11A, D, 6.12A, 6.13A

Source of this activity:

Teacher Vision. (2001). Lesson Plans. [Online] 

[2001, April 18]

Materials Needed:

  • Rulers or Yardsticks (Metric)
  • White String cut in Two Lengths-30 cm & 60 cm
  • Different Circular Objects or paper circles
  • Calculators

Worksheet: Circular Measurement

Worksheet: Mystery Ratio

Procedures for Students to follow:

  1. Read the story Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi
  2. Measure circumference and the diameter of the circular objects in the bag.
  3. Write information on the Circular measurement worksheet found at The Learning Network, Inc.
  4. Fill out the Mystery Ratio worksheet. You may work with a partner if another student is on the same activity.


  1. Know terms: Circumference, Diameter, Ratio, & Pi
  2. Grade Circular Measurement Worksheet
  3. Grade Mystery Ration Worksheet

Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity:

Circular objects can be anything. I used just cut out circles.

Activity 3: Angles

TEKS addressed by the activity: 6.6A, B, 6.8C, 6.11A, 6.12A,

Source of this activity: The Lesson Plans Page. (2001, April 29) Math Lesson Plans. [Online] [2001, April 18]

Materials Needed: Pattern Blocks

Procedures for Students to follow:

  1. Using the pattern blocks, decide if either one block has an obtuse, acute, or right angle.
  2. Place this information in table form and be sure to state which shape you are referring to.
  3. Next form a right angle, obtuse, and acute angle using toothpicks.
  4. Glue the toothpicks to construction paper and label each angle.


  1. Take a grade over table.
  2. Have students find at least 3 acute, obtuse, and right angles around the classroom.
  3. Take a grade on the toothpick exercise.

Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity:

The toothpick exercise does not have to be used.

Extra Activity: Tessellations

TEKS addressed by the activity: 6.11A, C,

Source of this activity:

Teacher Vision. (2001). Lesson Plans. [Online] Available: http://teachervision.com/tv/curriculum/lessonplans/index.html

[2001, April 18]

Materials Needed:

  • Student Directions Worksheet
  • Shapes Worksheet
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • 11” X 14” Paper
  • Crayons
  • Black Fine-Tip Pen

Procedures for Students to follow: Students will read worksheet.

Go to:

Assessment: Quiz over vocabulary

Teach another student to tessellate

Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity:

Quiz is one that would be made up by the layout of the room. Example: Ask them what is adjacent to the chalkboard or to the teacher’ desk.