Title of Book: Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland
Author: Cindy Neuschwander
Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing
Publication Date: 2001
Brief Summary of Book:
To earn his knighthood, Radius must find and rescue a missing king. His father, Sir Cumference, and his mother, Lady Di of Ameter, give him a circular medallion (a protractor) that he uses to find his way through a maze of many angles. Story helps build concrete examples of using Geometry.
Grade Level Targeted By Learning Activities: 6th Grade
Activity 1: Finding the Circumference given the radius
TEKS addressed by the activity: 6.6C, 6.8 B, 6.11A, 6.12A
Source of this activity: The Lesson Plans Page. (2001, April 29) Math Lesson Plans. [Online] Available: http://www.lessonplanspage.com/Math.htm [2001, April 18]
Materials Needed:
- Table worksheet
- Compass
- Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Yarn
- Rulers
Procedures for Students to follow:
- Draw a circle using a compass for each of the circled radiuses given on the handout.
- Cut the circles out.
- Using the yarn, measure the circumference of the circle and find the diameter.
- Fill in the table with the data collected.
- Using just the radius find the remaining circumferences and diameter.
- Take up the handout.
- Give a quiz.
Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity: none
Activity 2:Magical Pi
TEKS addressed by the activity: 6.1B, 6.2C, 6.3 A, B, C, 6.4 A, B, 6.5, 6.6C, 6.8A, B, 6.11A, D, 6.12A, 6.13A
Source of this activity:
Teacher Vision. (2001). Lesson Plans. [Online]
[2001, April 18]
Materials Needed:
- Rulers or Yardsticks (Metric)
- White String cut in Two Lengths-30 cm & 60 cm
- Different Circular Objects or paper circles
- Calculators
Worksheet: Circular Measurement
Worksheet: Mystery Ratio
Procedures for Students to follow:
- Read the story Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi
- Measure circumference and the diameter of the circular objects in the bag.
- Write information on the Circular measurement worksheet found at The Learning Network, Inc.
- Fill out the Mystery Ratio worksheet. You may work with a partner if another student is on the same activity.
- Know terms: Circumference, Diameter, Ratio, & Pi
- Grade Circular Measurement Worksheet
- Grade Mystery Ration Worksheet
Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity:
Circular objects can be anything. I used just cut out circles.
Activity 3: Angles
TEKS addressed by the activity: 6.6A, B, 6.8C, 6.11A, 6.12A,
Source of this activity: The Lesson Plans Page. (2001, April 29) Math Lesson Plans. [Online] [2001, April 18]
Materials Needed: Pattern Blocks
Procedures for Students to follow:
- Using the pattern blocks, decide if either one block has an obtuse, acute, or right angle.
- Place this information in table form and be sure to state which shape you are referring to.
- Next form a right angle, obtuse, and acute angle using toothpicks.
- Glue the toothpicks to construction paper and label each angle.
- Take a grade over table.
- Have students find at least 3 acute, obtuse, and right angles around the classroom.
- Take a grade on the toothpick exercise.
Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity:
The toothpick exercise does not have to be used.
Extra Activity: Tessellations
TEKS addressed by the activity: 6.11A, C,
Source of this activity:
Teacher Vision. (2001). Lesson Plans. [Online] Available: http://teachervision.com/tv/curriculum/lessonplans/index.html
[2001, April 18]
Materials Needed:
- Student Directions Worksheet
- Shapes Worksheet
- Scissors
- Tape
- 11” X 14” Paper
- Crayons
- Black Fine-Tip Pen
Procedures for Students to follow: Students will read worksheet.
Assessment: Quiz over vocabulary
Teach another student to tessellate
Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity:
Quiz is one that would be made up by the layout of the room. Example: Ask them what is adjacent to the chalkboard or to the teacher’ desk.