Title of Book: The Best Bug Parade
Author: Stuart Murphy
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: 1996
Brief Summary: The book addresses the concepts of big, bigger, biggest; small, smaller, smallest; long, longer, longest; and short, shorter, shortest. Together these bugs form the best bug parade of all.
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Activity 1:
Title of activity: Line E’m Up
TEKS addressed: K.2 (B) K.13 (C) (D)
Source: Amber Ward
Materials needed: 1) A page with a line of bugs and answers on the back 2) Labels with first, second, third, fourth, and fifth written on them.
Procedures: Have the students put the bugs in order by placing the correct label under each bug
Assessment: Self-check with the answer sheet
Miscellaneous teacher notes: Laminate the bugs and labels so they will last longer. I put Velcro under the bugs and on the labels so they would easily stick.
Activity 2:
Title of activity: Which is closest? Which is farthest?
TEKS addressed: K.10 (A), K.13 (A)
Source: Stuart, Murphy. (1996). The Best Bug Parade. HarperCollins Publishers.
Materials needed: 1) Q-tip 2) Cotton Ball
Procedures: Have the students throw the cotton ball and then the Q-tip. Ask them to tell which is closest and which is farthest from them.
Assessment: Teacher evaluation
Miscellaneous teacher notes: More than two objects may be used depending on the level of the students.
Activity 3:
Title of activity: Where does the Bug Belong?
TEKS addressed: K.8 (A) K.10 (A)
Source: Amber Ward
Materials needed: 1) Copied pages from book (pages 9,15, 21, and 27)
Procedures: Have the students match the describing word with the correct bug
Assessment: Self-check
Miscellaneous teacher notes: Copy the pages listed from the book. Cut the describing words off from the bugs. Draw a design on the back of each bug and the same design on the matching describing word for self-check. Laminate the bugs and the describing words. When students match the describing word with a bug, they can check themselves by looking at the designs on the back to see if they match.
Contents of Bag:
1. The Best Bug Parade by Stuart Murphy
2. Green sheet with a line of 5 bugs
3. Bag of labels to be used with the green sheet
4. 9 bugs and 9 describing words
5. Bag with a Q-tip and a cotton ball
Directions For Activities
Activity 1: Using the green sheet and the labels with first, second, third, fourth, and fifth, place the correct label under the bugs in the bug parade. After completing, check the correct answers on the back.
Activity 2: Take the cotton ball and the Q-tip and throw each one as far as possible. Then tell which one is closest and which is farthest from you. Have the teacher check your answers.
Activity 3: There are 9 bugs and 9 describing words. The bugs and describing words are in groups of 3. Match the describing word with the correct bug in that group. After completing, look at the back of the match to see if they make a complete design. If they make a complete design, your answer is correct. If they do not, try another match.