The sites found on this page have been compiled by those students enrolled in EDU 4303, EDU 5223, and EDU 5903 at Tarleton State University since January 2000. The students have provided the evaluations of each site.
Teacher Math Websites
A Homepage For New Math Teachers
This is a site for new math teachers and it has ideas for classroom management, favorite math problems, and sites to go for a wide variety of activities.
American Mathematical Society
The one I found has places to go and look at journal articles, places to look at lesson plans, and a lot of other cool info. about math.
Bamdad’s Math Comics
These comics strips are very funny and relevant to the classroom and real-life math problems that teachers and students alike will love, and there’s tons of them on this site on about every math topic imaginable.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Lists information about occupations for which varying levels of mathematical background are required. I think you’ll find it quite interesting. (To give an idea of the comprehensive nature of the list, “Fast-food counter workers” are included in the list as an occupation for which arithmetic is important).
California Mathematics Council
This site has online resources, issues for parents and teachers, and links to other math websites.
Educational Reference for Business and Money Math
This is a great site to use when teaching children money managing and financing.
Enchanted Mind
There is much interesting data about the brain and creativity here. There are also some cool java puzzles to enhance creativity here including Rubik’s Cube, Tangrams, and Pentominoes. This is a fun site and also a good one for kids to use to play around with puzzles like this.
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section
This is the home page for the Fibonacci numbers, the Golden String, and the Golden Section. Over 200 pages of material, but clicking on the first link takes you to an immediate explanation and a list of sites that demonstrate Fibonacci numbers in nature. Lots of math links. Also great puzzles utilizing Fibonacci numbers.
FunBrain.Com Math Baseball
A fun math baseball game that you can play by yourself or with a friend. It also gives you a choice of math problems and the the level you want to practice.
Helping Your Child Learn Math
This great, little site provides some extremely useful activities for either school or home. The activities were rated by grade level and focused on math or science. Activities included measurement in the kitchen, math in the grocery store, and a neat exercise in geometry focused around the recycling of cans and paper boxes. Great visualization exercises!
This is a great resource for students preparing for college life, and beyond. It focuses on improving math skills, and helping students who are preparing for the assessment test.
Key Curriculum Press
Innovators in Mathematics curriculum. Connections to technology in the mathematics classroom.
The Math Forum
Interesting site filled with problems, puzzles, and lesson plans for math.
Math Solutions – MathWay
Fantastic website dedicated to helping students solve problems from Basic Math to Linear Algebra, even Chemistry problems! This website offers examples as well as step by step procedures with problem solutions.
This is a neat website. This website had a tab for homework help, practice problems, ask an expert, calculator & tools (this was so neat because it had a calculator for everything-you could even plot charts on a x and y axis. It also had math games and a store to buy manipulatives. I wish I knew this site when I was taking algebra!
MathType by Wiris
New MathType for Windows–creating math notation for word processing & Web pages.
Mudd Math Fun Facts
Mudd Math Fun Facts presents engaging math tidbits and challenges that can be used to start daily math classes.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Online: Standards 2000 and relationships between research and the NCTM Standards and much more!
National STEM Centre
A wealth of information regarding the teaching of science, technology, engineering and science.
Teachers Lab
The Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project
Elementary Math Websites
This user-friendly site contains math information for every elementary level. This is an interactive site that can be used by teachers, parents, and students. It is organized by topic and grade level. It has games, puzzles, and riddles. There are also links to other useful web sites.
Games, flash cards, and homework help for elementary students
This site contains a lesson on fractals for elementary and middle school students. It explains what fractals are, tells you how to make them and has several links to other information, including teacher resources.
This site contains information on fractions – adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. It also has quizzes to take after each discussion.
Funbrain – Shape Save Game
This site is a geometry game that explores area and perimeter. It is rewarded by giving you an archaeology picture and information making it interdisciplinary with geography and history. There are 4 levels of difficulty and is good for grades 3-5.
FunBrain.Com Math Baseball
A fun math baseball game that you can play by yourself or with a friend. It also gives you a choice of math problems and the the level you want to practice.
Helping Your Child Learn Math
This great, little site provides some extremely useful activities for either school or home. The activities were rated by grade level and focused on math or science. Activities included measurement in the kitchen,
This site is very user-friendly and has a large variety of activities to pursue including math games and music. The elementary math games include mostly counting activities and addition by counting up dots on the screen. The intermediate math game includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurements, and graphs. The student may choose which level they are on and after they finish the computer gives them a percentile score.
Math Flash Cards
A complete set of enter active flash cards for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and addition and subtraction.
Math for Kids
This site has a medieval adventure game involving problem solving. It was designed by fourth graders for upper elementary students. Math word problems have a medieval theme.
The Math Magic Resources for K-4 Teachers
Here’s a teacher’s website that has many links to online games! Some of the games need help but many are excellent! She also links to many sites that offer games not listed on the teacher’s website! Really good links here!
It has tons of story problems categorized in lots of different ways. Great for kids who are having trouble with story problems!
Mighty Math Club
This site has a lot of interesting activities for children to get involved in and it is very easy to get around in.
Saxon Math
This site belongs to a textbook publisher. There are several exceptional math activities for K-6. Additionally, information is offered over a broad spectrum.
School House Rocks
Do you remember this famous cartoon aired on Saturday mornings on ABC? This site has lots of cool information for science, math, social studies, and grammar. It has information that has been previously aired. It has neat songs to remember important content area information. Have fun reliving some of your favorite memories!
Silver Burdett Ginn Mathematics
Mathematics lesson plans and activities for grades K-6. Options include Teacher Tools, Home Connection and other useful links.
Middle School Websites
This site contains a lesson on fractals for elementary and middle school students. It explains what fractals are, tells you how to make them and has several links to other information, including teacher resources.
This is a neat website. This website had a tab for homework help, practice problems, ask an expert, calculator & tools (this was so neat because it had a calculator for everything-you could even plot charts on a x and y axis. It also had math games and a store to buy manipulatives. I wish I knew this site when I was taking algebra!
Unfolding Polyhedra
This is a really cool website for studying polyhedrons.
IXL – 6th Grade
This website helps students with most skills that they will use in 6th grade. There is a list of different subjects that they can practice.
IXL – 7th Grade
This website is for students in the 7th grade. It has helpful games and practices.
IXL – 8th Grade
This website is for students in the 8th grade. It has helpful games and practices.
Gives examples on solving equivalent forms of rational numbers.
Utah Education Network
Shows how to find equivalent forms for positive rational numbers.
The Rational Number Project
This website is helpful for teachers when they are about to teach rational numbers.
This is a game that helps students with adding and subtracting fractions.
Jamit Fractions
This is a game that helps students with adding and subtracting fractions.
High School Math Websites
Algebra OnlineSM
This description was taken directly from Algebra OnlineSM. Algebra OnlineSM is a free service designed to allow students, parents, and educators throughout the world to communicate. This includes free private tutoring, live chat, and a message board, among many other features. Questions and discussions relating to all levels of mathematics (not just Algebra) are welcome. Algebra OnlineSM is the future in education!
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
See Algebra 1 Interactions–motivating activities, math connections and real world application and integrated technology.
Key Curriculum Press
Innovators in Mathematics curriculum. Connections to technology in the mathematics classroom.
Math In Daily Life
This web site gives great examples of how math affects everyday decisions. Real life examples are given of probability, savings and credit, home decorating, and population growth. Great for answering the question “Why do we need to know this?”.
The Math Forum
Interesting site filled with problems, puzzles, and lesson plans for math.
This is a neat website. This website had a tab for homework help, practice problems, ask an expert, calculator & tools (this was so neat because it had a calculator for everything-you could even plot charts on a x and y axis. It also had math games and a store to buy manipulatives. I wish I knew this site when I was taking algebra!
Pascal’s Triangle and Its Patterns
This web site is devoted to Pascal’s Triangle. Gives information on how the triangle is constructed, Sums of Rows, Prime Numbers, Hockey Stick Patterns, Sierpinski’s Triangle and much more! Great Web site!
Totally Tessellated
This visually appealing math website that includes a large galley of tessellations, or the repeated patterns of interlocking shapes. There are also illustrated and animated tutorials, information on the artist M.C. Escher, an interactive gallery of art, hands-on activities, and printable timetables.
Zona Land
This is a great site that has both mathematics and science. You can find educational and entertaining items pertaining to physics, to the mathematical sciences, and to mathematics in general. I did my paper over measurement. I found a lot of neat ways to teach measurement in the third grade. These ways consist of finding the tallest third grade, measuring the teacher, and cooking. These are all fun ways to teach.
All Level Math Websites
This is a really good website, because it offers a variety of math related material such as math tools and math games that integrate technology with math curriculum. For example, the online flashcard game and the metric converter game that it has for students to play. Further more, it gives links to more fun math games that the students can enjoy. It also, offers great links to sites such as Kid References, Teacher References, Teacher Resources, and Math Job listings. It offers you math articles that deal with anything from the history of math to women in math. The thing that really makes this site stand out is that it is very well organized and easy to scroll through. I usually find myself surfing through websites and ending up nowhere close to where I first began. I would definitely recommend this site to everyone.
Center for Excellence in Education, Rice University
This site contains a goldmine of math lessons for grades K-12. There are math problems to solve online and the opportunity to submit answers and find out if you have worked the problem correctly. This site makes math a fun and encouraging experience — especially for those who experience difficulty. (Algebra fun with calendars is great fun for the whole family!)
This site is “an amusement park of mathematics and more!” It has a wide variety of mathematical activities for teachers, parents, and kids from 3-100! It includes fractals, brain benders, geometry and other topics as well as links to other math sites. This site also has a great science section. This is terrific for increasing mathematical abilities in kids of all ages.
This web site demonstrates how math is used in the real world of building construction. Has connections between real world situations and classroom math. Has lessons for students or for teachers broken down into K-2, 3-5, 6-7 & high school.
Enchanted Mind
There is much interesting data about the brain and creativity here. There are also some cool java puzzles to enhance creativity here including Rubik’s Cube, Tangrams, and Pentominoes. This is a fun site and also a good one for kids to use to play around with puzzles like this.
Escape from Knab
This is a great site. You have landed on the planet Knab. You are given only a short time to “earn” enough money for a ticket back to earth. The games include choosing a job, finding a place to live, monthly expenses, investments, writing a check, and checking and savings accounts. It’s really a great way to teach “real life” while playing a game.
This web site has lots of math and science lesson plans. It is very easy to use because you can click whether you are interested in math or science. Then select the topic you need. It will give you a whole list of lesson ideas to look through.
Frazier Park School – Mathematics Page
This address will connect you and your students to math games in “Fun Brain, “Kid Klok” and much more. The site has a number of different activities for all grade levels in different areas in math.
The Math Forum
Interesting site filled with problems, puzzles, and lesson plans for math.
Tutor Pace
This address will connect you to live math help one-on-one on an interactive whiteboard with experienced university professors. The online tutoring program is research based which helps when needing additional help with homework or preparing for a test.
Mathematics Lessons That Are Fun, Fun, Fun!
All the math activities you might ever need to teach kindergarten through 12th.
Math World
This web site provides many ideas about interactive things for math. This page gives many ideas about what can be used in teaching math for students in Pre-K through 12th grade.
Mrs. Glosser’s Math Goodies
You will find interactive math lessons that have real-world problems. This award winning site includes lessons for integers, understanding percent, number theory,circumference and area of circle, and perimeter and area of polygons.
Interesting folded-paper, hands-on activities to teach kids about geometry, symmetry, etc.
Summit Learning
This is a web-site for math of any level. All you have to do is put in the grade level that you want and specific area
in math that you are looking for.
Woodka Web
This site was created by Donna Woodka, focuses on connecting girls with math, science and technology. It helps parents and teachers encourage girls interest in math, science and technology. This site also contains connections to other sites relating to math, science, and technology.