Title of Book: The Doorbell Rang
Author: Pat Hutchins
Publisher: New York: Greenwillow Books
Publication Date: 1986
Brief Summary of Book: This book is about a mother that cooks chocolate chip cookies for her two children. There are a dozen cookies and the children have to split them up equally. Then two of their friends walk in and they have to divide the cookies between the four of them. This keeps going on with two more friends showing up and then finally six more friends, totally 12 children. The children are unsure of what to do about the cookies if someone else were to show up and about that time the doorbell rang and it was grandma with more chocolate chip cookies.
Grade Level Targeted by Learning Activities: 1st grade
Activity 1:
Title of activity: Sharing chocolate chip cookies
TEKS addressed by this activity: b.(1.2).A; b.(1.11).A,C,D;
Source of this activity: Traci Frazier and The Doorbell Rang
Materials needed: Cookie sheet, chocolate chip cookies with magnets on the back, and Directions with magnets on the back.
Procedures for students to follow: Answer the questions on the Directions sheet by separating the cookies on the cookie sheet.
Assessment: Self-check, answers are on the back of the baking sheet.
Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity: I printed the cookies off the internet and laminated them so they would last longer.
Activity 2:
Title of activity: Adding up chips
TEKS addressed by this activity: b.(1.3).A.B;
Source of this activity: Traci Frazier
Materials needed: cookies with different numbers of chocolate chips on it, paper strips with a mathematical problem on them.
Procedures for students to follow: For each number strip locate the two cookies that have the number of chocolate chips shown on the strip. Then find the cookie with the correct number of chips that answers the problem.
Assessment: Self-check, answers are on the back of the paper strips
Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity: I laminated each cookie and paper strip so they would last longer. I also make the cookies with different number chips with Microsoft word. Hint: I used the circle tool for the cookie and the chips.
Activity 3:
Title of activity: Patterns of the Book
TEKS addressed by this activity: b.(1.6).A; b.(1.11).C;
Source of this activity: Traci Frazier and The Doorbell Rang
Materials needed: manilla folder, velcro, various pictures from the book
Assessment: Self check and the right side of the folder should look like the left side.
Miscellaneous teacher notes on assembling this activity: I scanned the pictures from the book. It was a lot easier than trying to find other pictures. And again, I laminated everything I used.