
The Industrious Historian is a collaborative effort on behalf of the graduate students and staff members of the W. K. Gordon Center of Industrial History of Texas. The many untold tales of the company town of Thurber and industrial history around the state of Texas inspired the effort, which intends to reveal little known details to entertain and educate its readers.
Tarleton State University graduate students research and contribute the articles. Each participant in the blog gains first-hand experience interpreting photographs and unusual artifacts to solve historical mysteries. David Buster, a Gordon Center graduate assistant since 2008, writes the first entry which discusses the triangle stamp often found on Thurber bricks. Special guest bloggers will appear from time to time.
The blog offers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Gordon Center’s collections, with images from photographs and of artifacts rarely seen by the general public.
The center is located at exit 367 on Interstate 20, midway between Fort Worth and Abilene. Hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 4 and on Sunday from 1 to 4. For more information please call 254-968-1886.