Standard Operating Procedures/QAM Addenda

Table of Contents

(Table updated as procedures are revised)

Updated 2/13/25

Q = Quality Control         S = Safety    W = Waste    ob=obsolete    d=draft

Procedure NumberRevProcedure Title
QAM-Q-10016Quality Assurance Manual (copyright by TNI)
QAM-Q-10116Laboratory Quality Control
QAM-Q-10216Laboratory Material Acceptance Criteria
QAM-Q-10318Laboratory Equipment Maintenance
QAM-Q-10416Data Entry and Review
QAM-Q-10516Corrective Actions
QAM-Q-10719Laboratory Personnel Training
QAM-Q-11019Sample Receipt and Login
QAM-Q-11116Aliquot Preparation and Sample Preservation
QAM-Q-11216Sample Composting
QAM-Q-11311Responsibilities of the Laboratory Quality Assurance Officer
QAM-S-10115Laboratory Safety
QAM-A-10215Laboratory Document and Data Control
QAM-A-10312Data Reporting by the Laboratory Manager
QAM-A-1049Preparation and Control of Laboratory Procedures
QAM-W-10114Disposal of Laboratory Waste
QAM-I-10113Operation and Calibration of the Analytical Balance
QAM-I-10216Operation and Calibration of the Autoanalyzers
QAM-I-10314Operation and Calibration of the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
QAM-I-10411Operation and Calibration of the Hach Portable Spectrophotometer
QAM-I-10512Operation and Calibration of the pH Meter
QAM-I-10712Operation and Calibration of the Block Digester
QAM-I-11011Operation and Calibration of the Autoclave
QAM-I-11113Operation and Calibration of the Conductivity Meter
QAM-I-1138Operation and Calibration of the D.O. Meter
QAM-I-1159Operation and Calibration of IR Thermometer
QAM-I-11616Preparation of Labware
QAM-I-11715Volumetric Equipment Calibration Verification
QAM-I-11815Thermometer Calibration Verification
QAM-I-1191Operation and Calibration of the Fluorometer
QAM-I-1210Operation and Calibration of the Biological Safety Cabinet
SOP-C-10118Determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand
SOP-C-1029Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand
SOP-C-10316Determination of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen and Phosphorus
SOP-C-10413Determination of Ammonia as Nitrogen
SOP-C-10516Determination of Nitrate/Nitrite as Nitrogen
SOP-C-10616Determination of Orthophosphate as Phosphorus
SOP-C-10718Determination of Total Suspended Solids
SOP-C-10814Determination of Nonfilterable Volatile and Fixed Solids
SOP-C-10914Determination of Total Dissolved Solids
SOP-C-11215Determination of Chlorophyll-a and Pheophytin-a
SOP-C-11312Determination of Specific Conductance
SOP-C-11416Determination of Fecal Coliform and E. coli by Membrane Filtration
SOP-C-12011Determination of pH in the Laboratory
SOP-C-1219Determination of Residual Chlorine
SOP-C-124a20Determination of Presence/Absence of Total Coliform and Escherichia coli by IDEXX Colilert®
SOP-C-124b20Determination of Total Coliform and Escherichia Coli by IDEXX Colilert®
SOP-C-124c20Determination of Enterococci by IDEXX Enterolert®
SOP-C-12611Determination of Temperature
SOP-C-13014Determination of Total and Percent Solids
SOP-C-1314Preparation of Soil Samples
SOP-C-1360Determination of Chlorophyll-a and Pheophytin-a by Fluoroscopy
SOP-C-1370Determination of Chlorophyll-a and Pheophytin-a by Fluoroscopy (Special narrow-band method)
SOP-C-1525Determination of Soil Nitrate/Nitrite as Nitrogen
SOP-F-1037Flow Measurements & Estimates

A = Administrative          C = Chemistry       I = Instrument      R=Radiochemistry