
Our current and former clients include the U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyU.S. Department of AgricultureU.S. Geological SurveyTexas Commission on Environmental QualityTexas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentTexas State Soil and Water Conservation Boardriver authorities, other regulatory and public entities, as well as private industry and companies.


The TIAER Laboratory is currently accredited under the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program for solids/chemical matrices and non-potable water. TIAER has also previously been certified for laboratory services under the USGS, TCEQ and TSSWCB programs.

Staff Credentials

TIAER’s Laboratory Manager has over 15 years experience in analysis of water, soil, and wastewater with a degree in Chemistry. He, along with other TIAER Laboratory staff members have experience and training in quality control and testing of environmental water, soil, and sediments. The TIAER Laboratory team represent a combined force for quality and legally defensible data production. In addition, TIAER also maintains a full staff of field bioligsts and hydrologists to meet the needs of any water quality monitoring and sampling regimes and programs.

The logo for Tarleton State University.