You can click on the expandable headings to see bar charts and maps for statistics Small Businesses (Non-Employer) for the North Central Texas (NCT) region from 2012 through 2020. Data is derived from U.S. Census data. 

Non-employer firms are businesses with no paid employees other than the owners of their businesses, which may often be structured as sole proprietorships or partnerships.

Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2017

Bar chart of non-employer businesses by county in NCT, 2017. Dallas leads with 242,682 businesses.
Bar Chart for Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2017
Map of Texas counties showing nonemployer averages; Dallas highest at 242,682, Hamilton lowest at 789.
Map for Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2017

Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2018

Bar chart of non-employer businesses by county in NCT, 2018.
Bar Chart for Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2018
Map showing average nonemployers in Texas counties; Dallas highest, Hamilton lowest.
Map for Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2018

Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2019

Bar chart of non-employer businesses in North Central Texas, 2019. Dallas leads with 263,060.
Bar Chart for Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2019
Map showing average nonemployer data for Texas counties; Dallas highest, Hamilton lowest.
Map for Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2019

Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2020

Bar chart of non-employer businesses by county in NCT, 2020. Dallas leads with 264,465.
Bar Chart for Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2020
Map of Texas counties showing average nonemployer statistics, highlighting Dallas and Hamilton.
Map for Number of Non-employer Businesses in the NCT 2020