The following courses routinely use TBFS as an outdoor laboratory to supplement material covered during lecture:

  • Ecology (BIOL 4401) – the study of the abiotic factors and biotic interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms.
  • Ornithology (BIOL 4430) – the study of birds, including origins, systematics, ecology, biogeography, physiology, anatomy, and reproductive biology.
  • Herpetology (BIOL 4440) – the study of amphibians and reptiles with emphasis on phylogenetics, ecology, physiology, morphology, zoogeography, conservation, and taxonomy.
  • Limnology (BIOL 4441) – the study of aquatic communities and the physiochemical factors affecting the productivity of ponds, reservoirs, and streams.
  • Mammology (BIOL 4451) – the study of mammals, including the evolution, anatomy, behavior, ecology, systematics, and basic biology of mammals.
  • Ichthyology (BIOL 4462) – the study of fishes, including anatomy, behavior, ecology, evolution, taxonomy, and zoogeography.
  • Environmental and Restoration Biology (BIOL 5320) – the study of human interactions with plants and animals within ecosystems with an emphasis on conservation and restoration ecology.
Collage of people handling wildlife, including a snake, lizard, frog, tarantula, and fish.