Professional Development

As part of the REU experience, students will participate in a weekly seminar series designed to better prepare them for graduate school and future careers in science. Consistent with the goals of the REU program, these will serve as one of the educational components of this REU Site. By having a different presenter each week, students will receive maximum exposure to a comprehensive group of faculty mentors. Topics for the 10 weeks are:

  • Safety and ethics in research (Dr. Low)
  • How to read scientific journals (Dr. Srinivasan)
  • Writing scientific proposals (Dr. Herrmann)
  • How to prepare scientific posters (Dr. Chraibi)
  • Career paths in STEM (Dr. Venkataraman)
  • How to be successful at the graduate level (Dr. Nelson)
  • TSU graduate student showcase (Dr. Sudman)
  • Public speaking (Dr. Cavazos)

*All professional development workshops will be scheduled for Mondays at 10:00 AM unless otherwise notified.