Mandatory Reporters

According to Texas A&M System Regulation 08.01.01 and Texas State Law, all employees (except for confidential employees) who experience, observe, or become aware of alleged discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation must promptly report the incident(s) to the Designated Official at Tarleton State University:

Complaints Against Students

Semoine Pearson
Phone: 254-968-9754

Complaints Against Faculty or Staff

Semoine Pearson
Phone: 254-968-9754

You may contact the appropriate individual listed above or complete the Civil Rights Reporting Form.

By completing this form you will receive an automated response back to your email noting that the complaint has been received by the University. 

What if the individual asks me not to report the information?

It is recommended that you interrupt a person if you believe that they are about to disclose an incident of discrimination, harassment or related retaliation and advise the individual you are a Mandatory Reporter. Explain that if the individual tells you about an incident of discrimination, sexual harassment, and/or related retaliation (including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, domestic or dating violence), you must promptly report the incident to the Designated Official at Tarleton. According to System Regulation 08.01.01, you must report the incident even if the individual asks you to keep his or her story confidential.

If the individual decides not to share anymore information with you, you may encourage the individual to seek medical care for treatment of injuries or sexually transmitted diseases and/or counseling. Any information the individual gives to health practitioners in the course of treatment is confidential and no identifiable information will be shared.

You should encourage (but not require) the individual to make a report to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

What if I don’t report the information?

An employee’s failure to report alleged or suspected discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Failure to report may also result in criminal prosecution.

Are students and third parties mandatory reporters?

Students and third parties are strongly encouraged but not required to report the incident(s) promptly to the University.

What can I tell the individual who is disclosing discrimination or harassment to me about what happens after a report is received

When Tarleton receives a report from a mandatory reporter, we reach out to the affected individual and offer them the opportunity to share their story. Tarleton may open a formal investigation if it appears that a University policy was violated. We also offer support, options, and resources for the affected individual as well as the respondent.

Will Tarleton tell me the outcome of my report?

When you submit a mandatory report, Tarleton will acknowledge receipt of the report. Information about the investigation and resolution of such reports are protected by workplace privacy laws and FERPA; therefore, unless you are a person with a “need to know” on behalf of the University, you will not be advised of the outcome of your report.