How to Report Title IX Issues

If you believe that you or someone else has been subjected to sexual harassment by a University faculty or staff member, student, or Tarleton State University visitor or any other form of sex-based discrimination under Title IX, you may report such misconduct or file a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator or the official contact for each situation.

Once this form is completed and submitted you will receive an automated response back to your email noting that the complaint has been received by the University. You may wish to keep this notice for your records. This form may be completed anonymously by students or third parties.

Title IX Contacts

Complaints Against Students
Complaints Against Faculty of Staff
Athletic Equity Concerns
Confidential Reports

All Title IX based issues may be reported to:

Anonymous Reporting

Individuals wishing to submit an anonymous report may use the online reporting option. The University’s ability to investigate and respond to an anonymous report may be limited.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

You have the option to notify or not notify law enforcement authorities, including University and local police. Any individual may decline to notify law enforcement. An anonymous “Jane/John Doe” report can be filed with the police while deciding whether to pursue criminal charges. Law enforcement is able to help individuals understand the process of obtaining orders of protection, restraining orders, or similar lawful orders issued by the courts. Below is a list of local law enforcement agencies. Reports should be filed with the agency where the incident occurred. Tarleton’s Title IX Coordinator can assist students in notification of Law Enforcement.

When a crime is reported on-campus, both a Title IX investigation and criminal investigation may occur.

Reporting Confidentially

An important resource for you is the Campus Survivor Advocate. The availability of an advocate allows survivors to seek confidential support if they have been harmed. The advocate can make changes in housing or classes, assist students with seeking accommodations including academic extensions or grades of incomplete if necessary, help students understand formal reporting options (Title IX and law enforcement) and support students through those processes if a student chooses to engage in them.

The survivor advocate may be contacted at 254-968-9044.

Importance of Preserving Physical Evidence

Retain communications and document any contact with the involved individual(s). If possible, individuals should write down dates, times, locations of contact and preserve any text messages, emails, and/or social media site postings related to the incident.

Will my Complaint Remain Confidential?

Individuals wishing to make reports of sexual harassment must understand that all University employees, such as the Title IX Coordinator, supervisors, residential leaders, and faculty, have an obligation to respond to reports of sexual harassment, even if the individual making the report requests that no action be taken or that the information be kept confidential. To the extent possible, information in the complaint will be limited to those with a need to know; however, such wishes will be considered in the context of the University’s legal obligation to ensure a working and learning environment free from sexual harassment, as well as the due process rights of the accused to be informed of the allegations and their source. Serious threats of harm to the general University community may be reported to the police after considering the appropriate factors. Title IX Coordinator will need to determine whether or not the University can honor such a request to keep the report confidential while still providing a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students, including the complainant who reported the harassment.

Reporting to a Federal Agency

The United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is a federal agency responsible for enforcing Title IX.

Learn more about filing a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.

Tarleton State University logo with a "T" over Texas.

Semoine Pearson

Civil Rights / Title IX Coordinator
Gough Hall, First Floor
Phone: 254-968-9754