Language Placement Exams
What the test is:
These computer-adaptive placement exams use unique computer testing techniques to accurately and efficiently place students in the appropriate college language courses. Undergraduate students with four or more years of high school Spanish or native speakers may receive credit for certain Spanish, French, or German courses. This should be considered before the student is advised to take the CLEP, if the student does not need credit for the lower-level courses but needs to start at a higher-level due to advanced prior knowledge.
What is on the test:
Language Placement Exams offered at Tarleton State University include French, German, and Spanish. The test uses adaptive technology to provide individualized testing through a combination of questions. As the student works through the test, the computer adapts between higher- and lower-level questions based on their responses on previous questions.
By offering questions at each skill level, the test is able to accurately combat lucky guesses or inadvertent errors caused by lack of concentration, nervousness, or distractions. When the algorithm has reached a point where it is no longer able to increase or decrease question difficulty, the test will end.
Cost of the test:
The exam is free to eligible students. This exam can only be taken once.
What do you need the test for?
Some students are seeking degrees for which it would be beneficial to enroll in a non-entry freshman language course during their first semester.
Who to Contact for More Information
For more information on the language placement exams, contact Dr. Ivelisse Urban ( in the English & Languages Department
Ready to schedule?
To schedule your exam please visit our Stephenville Testing Center exam scheduling website and follow the directions to select the correct exam, date, and time. All availability can be found on the scheduling website.
Fort Worth
To schedule your exam please visit our Fort Worth Testing Center exam scheduling website and follow the directions to select the correct exam, date, and time. All availability can be found on the scheduling website.
See the Instructions to Register for the Language Placement Exams.