What the test is:
The Miller’s Analogies Test is a graduate entrance exam that assesses graduate school candidates’ ability to think analytically. The MAT exam helps graduate schools identify whose knowledge and abilities go above and beyond mere memorizing and repeating information.
What is on the test:
The exam requires the tester to use analytical skills and subject matter knowledge to solve problems stated as analogies. MAT content objectives include General, Humanities, Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. MAT relationship objectives include Semantic, Classification, Association, and Logical/Mathematical. More information into each content and relationship areas can be found at the resources provided below.
Cost of the test:
What do you need the test for?
The MAT exam is an excellent option for candidates applying to certain graduate programs.
Who to Contact for More Information
For more information on the MAT exam, visit Pearson MAT website.
Helpful Resources
MAT offers several valuable resources:
Ready to schedule?
To schedule your exam please visit our Stephenville Testing Center exam scheduling website and follow the directions to select the correct exam, date, and time. All availability can be found on the scheduling website.