Scheduling an Online Tutoring Appointment
All tutored courses are available for online tutoring.
Contact our tutoring office by emailing or calling 254-968-9293 (if we are unable to answer your call, please leave a message).
Helpful Information to Know When Scheduling Appointments
- Your student ID number
- Your campus location
- The course number and subject (Example: PSYC 2317, Stats Methods in Psychology)
- Your Tarleton email address (third party emails such as Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail etc may block emails from TSU servers to junk/spam filters).
- Your student schedule
- Times when you will be available for tutoring
- Your preferred method of tutoring interaction (on campus or online)
Canceling or Changing Your Appointment
If you need to change or cancel your online tutoring appointment, please view our cancellation procedures to do so.
Tarleton Tutoring Services: