Tarleton Tutoring
Location: Dick Smith Library – Stephenville (and Online)
Location: CAB 225 – Fort Worth (and Online)
The Tarleton Tutoring program in Stephenville along with the Fort Worth Achievement Center can assist students with their tutoring needs at all campus locations through online support. Some in-person tutoring may be limited to a specific campus. Reach out to our TLC staff to discuss your options.
To make an appointment: Contact the tutoring office by phone 254-968-9293 or email [email protected].
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Spring 2025
Courses updated 01/08/25
If you don’t see your course listed, let us know your interest in tutoring for that subject. Also, check out the courses supported by SI.
- ACCT 2301 Principles of Accounting I – Financial
- ACCT 2302 Principles of Accounting II – Managerial
Additional advanced accounting courses are tutored online and in-person on the Fort Worth campus through our Fort Worth Achievement Center (click the link for a list of tutored courses in 3000, 4000, and some 5000 level accounting courses and hours of availability).
Agricultural Economics
- AGEC 2317 Introductory Agricultural Economics
- AGRI 1307 Agronomy
- AGRI 3409 Genetics
Animal Science
- ANSC 1419 General Animal Science
- ANSC 2450 Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
- ANSC 3308 Principles of Animal Nutrition
- ANSC 3421 Meat Science
- BIOL 1406 Biology for Science Majors
- BIOL 1407 Biology for Science Majors II
- BIOL 2300 Cell Biology
- BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIOL 2420 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors
- BIOL 3303 Genetics (and BIOL 3103 Genetics Techniques)
- BIOL 3407 Microbiology for Science Majors
- BIOL 4374 Biochemistry I
Business (online or in Fort Worth)
- BUSI 2305 Business Statistics
- BUSI 4359 Business Strategy
- BUSI 5365 Managerial Statistics
- CHEM 1311 College Chemistry I
- CHEM 1312 College Chemistry II
- CHEM 1407 Introductory Chemistry
- CHEM 1409 College Chemistry for Engineers
- CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 2325 Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 4374 Biochemistry I
College of Business Administration (online or in Fort Worth)
- COBA 5101 Foundations of Accounting
- COBA 5102 Foundations of Finance
- COBA 5103 Foundations of Statistics
- COMM 1311 Intro to Speech Communication
- COMM 1315 Public Speaking
Computer Science
- COSC 1302 Introduction to Computer Science
- COSC 1310 Procedural Programming
Criminal Justice
- CRIJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice
- CRIJ 3305 Criminology
- ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
- ENGL 1301 Composition I
- ENGL 1302 Composition II
- ENGL 2320 Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 2321 British Literature
- ENGL 2326 American Literature
- ENGR 1211 Fundamentals of Engineering I
- ENGR 3311 Engineering Math Methods
Finance (online or in Fort Worth)
- FINC 3301 Principles of Financial Management
- FINC 5307 Financial Management
- GEOL 1403 Physical Geology
- GEOL 1404 Historical Geology
- GEOL 1407 Intro to Environmental Science
- GEOL 1408 Natural Disasters
- GOVT 2305 Federal Government
- GOVT 2306 Texas Government
- HIST 1301 United States History I
- HIST 1302 United States History II
- HIST 2321 World Civilizations
Home Economics
- HECO 1322 Nutrition and Diet Therapy
- MATH 1314 College Algebra
- MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry
- MATH 1324 Math for Business and Social Sciences I
- MATH 1325 Math for Business and Social Sciences II
- MATH 1332 Contemporary Math
- MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
- MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus
- MATH 2413 Calculus I
- MATH 2414 Calculus II
- MATH 3306 Differential Equations
- MATH 3433 Calculus III
- MATH 3450 Principles of Bio-Statistics
- MUSI 1116 Aural Skills I
- MUSI 1117 Aural Skills II
- MUSI 1311 Music Theory I
- MUSI 1312 Music Theory II
- MUSI 2116 Aural Skills III
- MUSI 2117 Aural Skills IV
- MUSI 2311 Music Theory III
- MUSI 2312 Music Theory IV
- PHIL 1301 Intro to Philosophy
- PHYS 1401 College Physics I
- PHYS 1402 College Physics II
- PHYS 2425 University Physics I
- PHYS 2426 University Physics II
- PSYC 2301 General Psychology
- PSYC 2317 Elementary Stats for Behavioral Sciences
- PSYC 3309 Writing in Psychology
- SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I
- SPAN 1412 Beginning Spanish II
- SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II
University Studies
- UNIV 0314 Foundations of College Algebra
- UNIV 0332 Foundations of Contemporary Mathematics
- UNIV 0342 Foundations of Statistics
Fort Worth Achievement Center (and online)
The Tarleton Tutoring Program offers tutoring services on the Fort Worth campus, located in CAB 225, and online to all Tarleton students at any campus location.
Check out tutored courses and additional services available through the Fort Worth Achievement Center