Administrative Forms – MOU
The basic administrative structure of the Texas Physics Consortium is defined by a signed Memorandum of Understanding between the member institutions. This MOU details how money is transferred and courses are offered. The implementation of the MOU and assessment of the Joint Degree is carried out using procedures developed by the faculty of the Texas Physics Consortium and approved by a Council composed of the Deans of the member institutions.
On February 25, 2025, the Administrative Council of the Texas Physics Consortium approved Stephen F Austin’s request to become an Affiliate member of the TPC.
Faculty & Administrative Forms
These are administrative forms that are required to be filled out by TPC faculty by the various institutions.
- Texas Southern No-Pay Form – (Non-TSU Faculty Teaching a TSU Class – Complete & Return To Dr. Handy)
- Tarleton-Waco Faculty Form – PDF (Tarleton Stephenville Faculty Facilitating Waco Campus Students)
Advising Forms
Students wanting to take courses from the Texas Physics Consortium should seek admission from a member institution. Once admitted as a student to a member institution, the student should meet with a TPC Advisor to register for courses and to submit the required TPC Student Admission Form.
The following forms are used to enter and remove students from member institution from the Texas Physics Consortium student database and course management systems as well as request approval by Council of Deans of substitution of a required TPC course in the Joint Degree.
Completed forms should be sent electronically as PDF attachments to the Chair of the Texas Physics Consortium at
Graduation Checkout & Certification Forms
The following forms are to be filled out and submitted along with any required supporting documentation to the Chair of the Texas Physics Consortium at least one semester prior to a student’s intended graduation date.
Any student either entering a physics program after Fall 2011 or graduating after 8/31/2018 must graduate under the Joint BS Physics Degree Plan.
Completed forms should be placed upon the TPC Shared Drive as PDF attachment along with student transcrpts by the student’s TPC facilitator and an email sent to to the Chair of the Texas Physics Consortium at
Curriculum Forms
The following curriculum forms are requests for course additions and modifications as well as program changes. All forms must follow the TPC curriculum approval process starting with submission of the required forms to the TPC Curriculum Committee Chair.
- TPC Curriculum Process – Pending Approval
- TPC Course Addition/Modification – Pending Approval (Check Addition/Modification)
Master Syllabi
Links to the latest versions of master syllabi for TPC Courses: