Camp Check-in is First Sunday of Camp Starting at 5:00 to 7:30

Check-in is in the Auditorium of the Tarleton Science Building Room 102. The Science Building is at the corner of Lillian and Jones Street. We suggest that you use the faculty parking lot #P26 which is next to the Science Building, Nursing Building. and Legends Dorm. The parking lot is off North Rome Avenue just across from the Tarleton Recreational Sports Center and a short walk from Memorial Stadium. The parking lot gate will be open on the weekend.

Tarleton is not like UT and Stephenville is much smaller than Austin. If you go down the main street (Washington) of Stephenville, you will run straight into Tarleton State University and John Tarleton’s grave. Access to the West Side of Campus can be obtained using North Harbin Street and turning either North of Memorial Stadium onto Fry or South of the stadium onto West Sloan both of which intersect North Rome Avenue. Registration is in Room 102 which is on the 1st floor on the Southeast side of the Science Building next to the Dinosaur fossils. Though Tarleton has undergone significant growth over the past few years and we have several construction projects presently under way, the campus is still compact like CalTech so it hard for one to get very lost. A Tarleton campus map is available on the website using the side links or the link at the bottom of this page. 

Campus Map to Check-in Parking

Dorm Check In From 6:00 till 8:00

Once the camper gets checked into the camp, the camp counselors will start taking the students over to their dorm (next door to Science Building) and check them into their dorm room starting at 6:00. The campers will then have some free time until the dorm meeting with the Dorm Counselors at 9:00 in which dorm rules will be covered.


Since many people will be traveling, we plan to have some food (probably Pizza) available for the campers to grab a bite at check-in. If you want to go out and eat a more traditional Sunday dinner with your camper after they get checked-in to the dorms there are several near by restaurants. The camper must be back in the dorms by 8:45 so they will be at the 9:00 dorm meeting.

First Day of Camp

Camp classes start on a Monday. The camp counselors will take you to breakfast in the dining hall at 8:00 and then over to Room 235 in Science Building where we will do roll call and give any announcements before splitting into our specialization tracks.

What Should I Bring To Camp

The link below will give you some ideas about things that you either need to bring or may want to bring like a bathing suit, sheets, etc.

  • List of Things To Bring

Dorm Information (Legends Dorm)

Tarleton has constructed several new dorms over the past few years next to the science building. This year the campers will be housed in the Legacy dorm which is next to the Science building. The dorms have swipe card access to the building and rooms with built in Wifi as well as free on site laundry and TV lounges. The links below will provide you with additional information about Tarleton dorms including standard dorm room layouts. It is important that campers understand that violation of camp or housing regulations (like fighting, missing curfew, etc) will result in their being sent home from camp. The camp coordinator will cover all camp rules during the 9:00 dorm meeting. With the type of students who we recruit for this camp, we don’t expect this to be a problem, but if we have a camper who violates rules then we we will enforce the rules.

Last day of Camp

The last Saturday of camp will be a short day. Camper will make presentations on their activities to parents and other campus individuals in the morning. Lunch will be sandwiches or pizza and drinks. Following lunch, the campers will meet with the camp counselors and departmental administrative assistant to check out of their dorm rooms. 

Camp Forms

As part of camp check-in, we will need to check the completeness of the camper’s application including medical information liability waver. We will also need to have a video/picture form signed by a parent or legal guardian for our documentation with the TWC and must confirm that the camper meets TWC eligibility requirements as mentioned on the main web page.

We have placed links to some of these forms in case you want to fill them out prior to the camp or if someone other than your parents will be bringing you. If you lose them or don’t fill them out then you can do them at check-in.

  1. Liability & Video Waiver

Eligibility Verification

We are required to verify that each camper meets the eligibility requirements of the TWICE before we can check them into the dorms. This includes age, citizenship, selective service registration (if male of sufficient age), and Texas High School student just completing 9th, 10th , or 11th grade.

We have used teacher letter of reference largely to verify the student requirement. The remaining requirements will be checked during check-in. The following link provides a list of documents that we can accept to verify each criteria. We only need one from each category. For instance a Birth Certificate can be used to both verify age and citizenship. Please make sure that you have either sent us verification as an e-mail attachment or bring along the required documentation. Our grant requirements are very clear, we must verify the student prior to them be allowed into the camp! 

If for some reason you have a question about your eligibility, call us prior to the camp and we will check our grant paper work to see if you meet the requirements.

  • Documentation for Meeting Requirements

Travel To Stephenville and Tarleton Campus

The following links provide directions to our campus as well as all our campus locations.

If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact the Physics Program at 254-968-9880.