
Award Information

Tarleton State University’s path forward encompasses transformational change, which requires bold ideas and challenging past processes. The Tarleton Employee Recognition Awards consist of four staff awards and two student worker awards. Nominations open in November 2024 and close in December 2024. Staff employees may be nominated for the Excellence, Integrity, Respect, and/or Presidential awards. Student employees may be nominated for the Graduate Assistant of the Year Award or the Student Employee of the Year Award. A nominee must be submitted for the respective award(s), in order to be considered.   

  1. Excellence (3 University Award Winners)
  2. Integrity (3 University Award Winners)
  3. Respect (3 University Award Winners)
  4. Presidential Staff Award (1 University Award Winner)
  5. Graduate Assistant of the Year Award (1 University Award Winner)
  6. Student Employee of the Year Award (1 University Award Winner)

The nine Excellence, Integrity, and Respect Award recipients will receive $1,500 each and each winner will also receive a day off. The one Presidential Staff Award recipient will receive $2,500 and a day off. The one Graduate Assistant of the Year recipient and one Student Employee of the Year recipient will receive $1,000 each.  

Eligibility Criteria

Once nominations close, Human Resources will confirm eligibility based on the following criteria.

  • Employee Recognition Award nominees must be a Tarleton State University staff member employed in a full-time budgeted position. (An employee who holds a faculty assignment or appointment is eligible as long as they are not assigned a faculty classification as defined by The Texas A&M University System pay plan.) 
  • Student worker nominees must be a current Tarleton State University employee and student is in good academic and conduct standing with the University 
  • All nominees must be up to date on all TrainTraq training assignments. 
  • Employees who have retired during the calendar year (January – December) of the award are eligible for nomination. 
  • Nominees must be in good standing with their department and the University as evidenced by a performance evaluation rating of Meets Expectations or higher. 
  • Employees at or above the vice president or equivalent level are not eligible for nomination. The associate or assistant vice president positions are eligible for nomination. 
  • Self-nominations are not accepted
  • No disciplinary action in the past 6 months
  • The previous year University Award winners are not eligible.