Title III, Part A- Strengthening Institutions Program Grant

What is the Title III grant program?

The Title III Strengthening Institutions Program is a competitive grant program, awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, to help institutions of higher education become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of eligible institutions.

Grant Project: Texan Smart: Increasing Educational Access, Opportunity, and Success

In October 2021, Tarleton State University was awarded a $1.97 million Title III, Part A- Strengthening Institutions grant aimed at supporting access, opportunity, and success of Tarleton’s students. Funds, distributed over a five-year period, will contribute to the growth and enhancement of student academic support programs such as academic advising, tutoring, applied learning experiences, internships, financial literacy, and career readiness.

Project Goals & Strategies

  • Goal 1: Academic Programs & Institutional Management: Increase educational access, opportunity, and success among all Tarleton students by improving financial wellness and well-being.
    1. Establish the Texan Smart Financial Center
    2. Improve Efficacy of Tarleton Programs and Services
    3. Expand Academic Advising
  • Goal 2: Fiscal Stability: Improve outcome metrics for future sustainability.

Measurable Objectives

Texan Smart Annual Measurable Objectives and Performance Indicators PI
Texan Smart Annual Measurable Objectives and Performance Indicators PI

Title III Project Implementation

Title III Taskforce:

  • Dr. Rusty Freed, Interim Dean of University College
  • Angie Jones, Director of Title III Project
  • Morgan Carter, Director of Institutional Analytics, Effectiveness & Accreditation
  • John Duarte, Director of Student Retention
  • Melissa Eubank, Director of Tutoring and Learning
  • Dr. Juan Gallardo, Director of Texan Smart Financial Center
  • Soncee Heard, Coordinator of Applied & Experiential Learning
  • Alana Hefner, Director of Career Services
  • Dr. Melody Loya, Associate Dean & Director of Academic Advising
  • Dr. Manon Shockey, Director of Student Development & Mentoring