Faculty Affiliates

Woman in a floral blouse standing by an ornate wooden piano.

Dr. Rebecca L. Morrow is an assistant professor of Criminal Justice at Tarleton State University. She received her Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Wyoming, her M.S. in Sociology from Western Illinois University in 2010, and her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign.  Her research uses an intersectional approach to address inequalities in populations suffering structural violence.  She has co-authored a journal article and two book chapters detailing intimate partner violence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her current research focuses on police helpfulness during intimate partner violence cases and survivors of intimate partner violence who are incarcerated. She seeks answers for how to reduce violence against women (and men) in families and in the criminal justice system.

Contact Info

Dr. Rebecca Morrow

Assistant Professor

Department of Criminal Justice

School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Public Administration

Tarleton State University

362 O.A. Grant Building

Stephenville, TX 76402

(254) 968-9514
