The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Art is a pre-professional program that develops students’ conceptual prowess, technical competency and independent problem-solving to meet the challenges of a career or advanced study in the visual arts. The BFA program in Art comprises the following concentrations: Studio Art or Teaching Certification. Through studio critiques, the study of sophisticated art and design concepts, mastery of skills and technologies and critical analysis of historical and contemporary issues, students learn to analyze and evaluate visual art and to apply this knowledge to their own creative practice. Graduating students demonstrate their competence by producing a cohesive body of work presented in their senior capstone exhibition to a panel of faculty reviewers and the general public.

Art students display their work at an exhibition table.

Required Courses for all BFA Majors
2023/24 Catalog Year

General Education Requirements (42 credits)
ARTS 1303 – Art History I ARTS 2348 – Digital Art I
ARTS 1304 – Art History II ARTS 2356 – Photography I
ARTS 1311 – Design I ARTS 3333 – Contemporary Movements in Art
ARTS 1312 – Design II ARTS 3334 – Art History in Non Western World
ARTS 1316 – Drawing I ARTS 4390 – Art Portfolio Capstone
ARTS 1317 – Drawing IIARTS 4391 – Art Portfolio Capstone II
ARTS 2316 – Painting I FINA 3301 – Art in Contemporary Society 
ARTS 2326 – Sculpture I

BFA – Studio Art Concentration

Advanced Art Electives (21 Credits)
Advanced Electives (12 Credits)
Electives (3 credits)

BFA – Teacher Certification Concentration

ARTS 3311 – Experimental Media Studio
ARTS 3341 – Painting II
ARTS 3351 – Sculpture II
Advanced Art Electives (3 Credits)
COMM 1311 or COMM 1315 or COMM 2302
EDUC 3321 – Foundations of Teaching: Middle and Secondary Classrooms 
EDSP 4361 – Teaching Strategies for Adolescent Students with Learning Disabilities 
EDUC 4331 – Instructional Strategies for Middle and Secondary Classrooms
EDUC 4335 – Issues of Professionalism
EDUC 4690 – Clinical Teaching
READ 3351 – Content Area Literacy
PSYC 2308 or PSYC 3303 or CHFS 3300

Programs and Opportunities