About Us

Our Mission

Employee Well-being strives to transform the lives of Tarleton employees in all aspects of personal health and wellness by inspiring change, teaching personal ownership, and empowering behavior change through educational excellence. Revive provides a variety of events, programs, and services to foster the resilience of all Tarleton employees.

Our Vision

Employee Well-being will be a premier comprehensive wellness program in the nation, with a keen focus on employee health, success, productivity, and retention.

Person jogging on a path, smiling and waving.

Well-being Initiatives

Employee Well-being Training

Employee Well-being hosts a variety of free training to all Tarleton employees, including both personal and group sessions. The employee well-being team has a fully equipped Training Ground located at the southeast corner of Wisdom Gym and is utilized for majority of sessions to promote the benefits of outdoor exercise. Sessions included yoga, circuit, strength, mobility/flexibility and HIIT which is geared towards all fitness levels. Schedules are susceptible to change each semester. Contact employee well-being for the current training schedule and a PAR-Q to be completed prior to participation.

Healthy Habits

The employee well-being team works to distribute fresh fruit across campus for all Tarleton Employees to enjoy. Research finds that food choice can play a factor in your mood and mental health. Fruits are an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals and provide health-boosting antioxidants. By having a nutritional option to snack on, employees will boost their energy, mood, and well-being. If your department does not currently have a fruit bowl, contact employee well-being to be placed on the distribution list.

Fan Feature Spotlight

A person smiling in a professional portrait.

This month’s Fan Spotlight is Dr. Sarah Maben with communications studies at the Fort Worth campus. Dr. Maben has been an adamant attendee at the employee well-being FW group workout sessions. Dr. Maben has worked directly with the employee well-being FW Grad Assistant to help suggest wellbeing initiatives and direction for our Fort Worth employees. She has displayed numerous efforts and help with employee well-being, by giving her time and knowledge to further the program. We appreciate all that Dr. Maben brings to the table and are eager to see her display such a consistent involvement to better her wellbeing. We’re a FAN!

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