Department of Wildlife and Natural Resources
The department’s mission is to provide comprehensive undergraduate and graduate degree programs that meet the academic and professional needs of students in a diverse and ever-changing natural resources field.
We emphasize strong student engagement in the learning process so that each attains personal fulfillment, success, and respect as a leader in their chosen profession, community, and state. Striving to serve and support the student, recognizing each as an individual with a unique history, talents, and goals.
We hope you choose Tarleton as your academic home…..

Department Head: Dr. Jeff Breeden
Office: Joe W. Autry Building, 201
B.S. in Wildlife, Sustainability, & Ecosystem Sciences
- Wildlife Ecology & Management
- Fisheries Ecology & Management
- Entomology
- Natural Resource Policy
B.S. in Horticultural & Plant Sciences
- Horticulture Science
- Horticulture Management
- Horticulture Business
- Sustainable Agriculture & Agroecology
B.S. in Zoo Animal Care & Management
- Zoo Biology & Management
- Pre Veterinary Medicine
M.S. in Agricultural & Natural Resource Sciences
- Research (Thesis) Track
- Professional (Non-Thesis) Track
Ph.D. in Animal & Natural Resource Sciences
TAMU College of Veterinary Medicine MOA
As a Texas A&M University System member, Tarleton State University has a formal partnership via a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM). Under this agreement, up to five additional students from Tarleton State University will be admitted each year to the TAMU CMV if they meet the academic requirements of the MOA program. Specific MOA requirements.
The number of students admitted to the DVM program from each of the four MOA universities is not limited to five each. Students from each of the MOA universities may apply and be admitted through the standard admissions progress outside of the MOA. Meeting the minimum criteria for admissions does not guarantee a student’s admission to the DVM Professional Program under an MOA.
For questions about this program, please contact: Dr. Jeff Breeden.
“My passion for agriculture led me to Tarleton, but at the time I only possessed a vague idea of what I wanted to do with my degree. My studies, coupled with opportunities to conduct research and teach classes, allowed me to fine-tune my interests and provided me with valuable technical skills. I was challenged to think critically in order to discover for myself what makes the subject worth learning. As a result of the hands-on, personalized education I received at TSU, I am now working as a university instructor teaching my own students to discover and develop their passions.”
Lauren Selph

Upcoming Events
Contact Info
Main Office
Box T-0050 Stephenville, TX 76402
Phone: 254-968-9221
Fax: 254-968-9228