How do I know if I still have to take the Writing Proficiency Exam or if I must fulfill the Writing Intensive requirement for graduation?

All students must take two upper-level Writing Intensive courses in the major or designed for their degree plan.

This is the time sequence of implementing the WI Program:

If you are now a TSU student, and if you enrolled at Tarleton before September 2007, you still have to take the Writing Proficiency Exam.

Tarleton is implementing a Writing Intensive Program, and, eventually, completing the Writing Intensive Program requirements will replace taking the Writing Proficiency Exam. But for all students enrolled prior to fall 2007, the WPE is still something that you will have to take and pass in order to graduate.

Tarleton’s Writing Intensive Requirement will be a condition for the baccalaureate degree for students entering TSU as new students beginning Fall 2007.

These students must complete Tarleton’s Writing Intensive Program requirements as a condition for the baccalaureate degree:

New students are those who enter Tarleton in fall 2007 as

  • first-time freshmen
    (students with no college credits),
  • entering students with 29 hours or less through earned credit
    (credit through AP, CLEP, IB, or dual credit courses), and
  • transfer students with 29 hours or less transfer credit hours.

In the fall of 2008, the WI requirements will apply to the students listed above and to these new students:

  • first-time freshmen
    (students with no college credits),
  • entering students with 59 hours or less through earned credit
    (credit through AP, CLEP, IB, or dual credit courses), and
  • transfer students with 59 hours or less transfer credit hours.

All other students will still be required to take the Writing Proficiency Exam.

How many WI courses will I have to take?

All students must take two upper-level Writing Intensive courses in the major or designed for their degree plan.