List Of Upper-Level Courses With WI Designation

This page contains a list of WI courses that have been recently approved as WI courses or have had their WI designations removed.

WI Course Name and #Previous WI Course Name and #Course NameData WI Designation Awarded Date WI Designation
ACCT 4323ACC 423Ethics for Accountants04/22/08Fall 2015
ACCT  4350ACC 450Management Information Systems06/30/09Fall 2015
ACOM 3314 Writing and Editing for Agricultural Publication02/13/17 
ACOM 3321 Communicating Agriculture to the Public12-06-17 
ADMS 3319ADMS 319Current Issues in Business Operations 06/30/09 
AGEC 3333A EC 333Agricultural Prices04/24/09 
AGEC 4321A EC 421Regional Economics05/04/09 
 AGRN 425Crop Production and Management04/24/09Spring 2014
AGSD 3302AGSD 302Agricultural Sales and Services02/24/09 
AGSD  3307 Premier Leadership in Agriculture04/22/14 
ANSC  4300ANSC 400Research and Writing in Animal Sciences 03/25/08 
 ART 490Art Portfolio Capstone06/30/09 
ARTS  4390ART 490Art/Digital Media Portfolio Capstone04/22/14 
BCIS 3389 Systems Analysis and Design03/22/17 
BCIS 4350CIS 450Management Information Systems04/24/09Fall 2018 
BIOL  3353BIOL 353Ecology and Evolution04/22/08 Fall 2018
BIOL 4398 Current Topics in the Life Sciences04/21/15 
BUSI  3312G B 312Business Communication06/30/09 
BUSI  4359G B 459Business Strategy06/30/09 
CHEM  3423CHEM 323Physical Chemistry I02/23/10 
CHFS 3344 Creative Arts and Literature for Children02/27/14 
CHFS 4350 Policies and Ethical Standards01-29/17 
CHFS  4356FCS  4356 HS/FCS/
FCSC 456
Research Methods in Human Sciences04/24/09 
CNST 3311 Construction Materials Testing and Inspection02-06-18 
CNST 3385 Project Management01/26/17 
COMM 3311 Writing for PublicationFall 2017 
COMM  4312COMS 412Rhetorical and Communication Theory 03/25/08 
COSC 3489C S 389Introduction to Software Engineering>
Software Engineering 1
COSC  4478CS 478Computer Networks04/27/10 
CRIJ  3313CJ 313Professional Writings in Criminal Justice05/29/12 
CRIJ 4316CJ 416Methods of Criminal Justice Research03/25/08 
CRIJ 4398 Criminal Justice Capstone03-27-18 
CVEN 4450 Transportation EngineeringFall 2016 
DRAM 4304THEA 4304Theory and Criticism04/22/08 
EASC  4313E S 413Environmental Techniques06/30/09 
ECON  3303ECO 303Money and Banking02/24/09 
ECON 4321 Regional Economics05/04/09Fall 2016
ELEN 3314ENPH 3314Signals and SystemsFall 2016 
ENGL 3309ENGL 309Technical Writing & Document Design09/01/07 
ENGL 3310ENGL 310Technical Writing and Editing03/25/08 
ENGL 3330ENGL 330Advanced Composition02/24/09 
ENGL 4315ENGL 415Senior Literary Seminar02/23/10 
ENGL 3342 Genre Studies02-06-18 
ENGL 4360 Advanced Studies in Secondary English12/08/16 
ENGR 4360 Engineering Capstone >
Engineering Capstone II
 ENGR 460Engineering Integration03/25/08 
ENGT 3303I T 303Industrial Materials02/03/09 
ENGT 3304 Manufacturing Materials02/02/18 
ENGT  3318I T 318Research and Reporting for Technologists02/03/09 
ENGT 3395 Fundamentals of Industrial Project Management04/21/15 
ENPH 3314 Signals and Systems02/27/14 
ENTO 3380ENTO 380Integrated Pest Management02/24/09Fall 2017
ENVE 3310 Engineering Hydrology12-05-17 
ENVE  4330ENVE 430/ HYDR 430Texas Water Resource Management03/25/08 
FASH 3307 Fashion Promotion03/03/15Fall 2016
FDM 308
Advanced Fashion Merchandising04/22/08Fall 2016
FASH  3329 New Fashion Ventures03/03/15 
FASH 4086FASH 4386Special Problems03/03/15 
FASH  4308 Fashion Forecasting03/03/15 
FASH  4384 Fashion Internship03/03/15 
 FCS  3305/ H S 305Management of a Licensed Child Care Program04/22/08Fall 2011
FINA  4301F A 401The Arts in Contemporary Society11/24/09 
FINC  4303FIN 403Case Studies in Finance06/30/09 
GEOG 3301 Intro to Travel, Cultural Experience, & Study Abroad01/26/17 
GEOL 3312GEOL 312Structural Geology05/17/11 
GEOL 4305GEOL 405Field Geology05/17/11 
GSTU 4398LBST 4398
L S 498
General Studies Capstone Course04/27/10
HIST 3309 History of Christianity and Christian Thought to the Reformation11/18/15 
HIST 3310HIST 310American Beginnings11/24/09 
HIST 3312 Antebellum America, 1815-1860 >
A Nation Divided, 1815-1860
Fall 2016 
HIST 3315 Rise of Industrial America, 1877-192903/20/17 
HIST 3320 The Renaissance and Reformation  03/20/17 
HIST 3321HIST 321Europe in the Age of Absolutism, 1648-1789 11/24/09 
HIST 3335 History of Mexico03/20/17 
HIST 3340HIST 4340Historical Methods03/20/17 
HIST 4301HIST 401The United States and the World11/24/09 
HIST 4305 Ideas in Action: American Social Thought from the Progressive Era to the Present11/18/15 
HIST 4311 Research in American Political History Since 192902/08/18 
HIST 4312HIST 412Social History of the United States Before 1865 11/24/09 
HIST 4320HIST 420Europe, 1850-191911/24/09 
HIST 4331 World Since 191903/20/17 
HIST 4340HIST 440Historical Method02/24/0903/20/17
HIST 4390 History Capstone02/08/18 
 HYDR 430Texas Water Resource Management03/25/08 
HPTC 4305 Issues and Trends in Health Care12/23/15 
INTL 4390 International Studies Capstone12/08/16 
HYDR 4140HYDR 440Internship03/25/08Fall 2016
HYDR 4088HYDR 488Undergraduate Research Project03/23/10Fall 2016
KINE  3330KINE/P Ed 330Motor Behavior01/20/09 
KINE 3360 Sports Nutrition03/24/16 
KINE 3365 Principles of Health and Physical Education in Secondary Schools03/24/16 
LBST 4398L S 498Liberal Studies Capstone Course04/27/10 
MATH 4309MATH 409Advanced Analysis04/24/09 
MATH 4332MATH 432Abstract Algebra05/04/09 
MDLS 4148CLS/MDLS 448 Introduction to Medical Genetics02/23/10 
MDLS 4391CLS/MDLS 491Integrated Clinical Laboratory Practice and Research02/23/10 
MEEN 4300 Analysis of Alternative Energy Sources >
Renewable Energy Systems and Applications
Fall 2016 
MGMT 4307MGMT 407Business Ethics06/30/09 
MGMT 4350MGMT 450Management Information Systems06/30/09Fall 2015
MKTG 4316MKTG 416Marketing Management06/30/0903/20/17
MUSI 3327MUSC 327History of Music II03/25/08 
MUSI 3328MUSC 328History of Music III04/22/08 
 NUR 330Nursing Care of the Older Adult09/27/1104/09/13
NURS 3348 Evidence-Based Practice for RNs02-21-18 
NURS 3360 Family and Community Health Nursing>
Family and Community-Based Nursing
NURS 4318 Nursing Research, Inquiry, and Evidence-Based Decision Making02-21-18 
NURS 4360 Family and Community Health Nursing for RNs02-21-18 
NURS 4410NUR 410Nursing Leadership and Management09/27/11 
NURS 4413 Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing06/24/13 
NURS 4440NUR 330Nursing Care of the Older Adult Family04/09/13 
NURS 4450 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare for RNs02-21-18 
PBHL  4305 Issues and Trends in Health Care10/24/13 
PBHL  4310 Introduction to Health Management and Policy04/21/15 
PHIL 3309 History of Christianity and Christian Thought to the Reformation11/18/15 
PHYS 3333PHYS 333Thermodynamics09/27/11 
 PHYS 334Modern Physics I02/14/1202/27/14
PHYS 4161PHYS 461Physics Research Project11/27/12 
PHYS 4162PHYS 462Physics Research Seminar11/27/12 
PHYS 4337PHYS 437Nuclear Physics and Techniques02/14/12 
PHYS  4340PHYS 440Advanced Physics Laboratory11/27/12 
POLS 3308POLS 308International Politics02/23/10 
POLS 3310POLS 310Environmental Politics11/22/11 
POLS 3316 Political Science Research Methods02/27/17 
POLS 4301POLS 401Constitutional Law I11/22/11 
POLS 4302POLS 402Constitutional Law II11/22/11 
POLS 4310POLS 410International Environmental Policy11/22/11 
POLS 4311POLS 411Environmental Law02/27/14 
POLS 4312 Religion and Politics11/18/15 
POLS 4313 Governments and Politics of East and South Asia11/18/15 
POLS 4390POLS 490Political Science Capstone Course02/14/12 
PSYC 3309PSY 309Writing in Psychology02/21/11 
PSYC 3435PSY 3335, PSY 335Principles of Research for the Behavioral Sciences 02/03/09 
 PSY 420History of Psychology02/24/09Fall 2011
PSYC 4350 Senior Capstone11/17/17 
PUAD 4317 Capstone in Public Administration11/17/17 
PUAD 4319 Professional Writing in Public Administration11/17/17 
 RDG 351Content Area Reading05/05/09Fall 2012
READ 3384RDG 384Literacy for the Middle Years04/30/09 
READ 4309RDG 409Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum04/22/08 
 RNRM 310Wildlife Management Techniques03/26/13Fall 2014
RELI 3309 History of Christianity and Christian Thought to the Reformation11/18/15 
RELI 4312 Religion and Politics11/18/15 
SOCI 4302SOC 402Methods of Social Research04/27/09 
SOCI 4303SOC 403Sociological Theory04/22/08 
SOCW 3306SWK 306Social Welfare Policy05/04/09 
SOCW 3314SWK 314Methods of Social Work Research05/04/09 
SPAN 4300SPAN 400Foundation in Literary Studies10/26/10 
SPAN 4301SPAN 401Survey of Peninsular Literature10/26/10 
SPAN 4302SPAN 402Survey of Spanish-American Literature10/26/10 
SPAN 4307SPAN 407Advanced Oral and Writing Skills10/26/10 
SPAN 4308 The Short Latin American Novel04/21/15 
 THEA 4304, THEA 404 Theory and Criticism04/22/08 
VETE 4208 Veterinary ResearchFall 2016 
VETE 4209 Veterinary Technology: CapstoneFall 2016 
VETE 4271 Equine Lameness and Treatment02/27/14 
VETE 4302 Advanced Veterinary Terminology02/27/14 course droppedFall 2018
VETE 4395 Capstone02/27/1412/06/16
VETE 4409 Veterinary Technology CapstoneFall 2015Fall 2016
 WLDM 310Wildlife Management Techniques02/24/09Fall 2014
WSES 3385 Fish and Wildlife Laws and Administration02/27/14 
WSES 3401 Soils03/29/14 
WSES 4302 Habitat Management01/04/2016 
WSES 4309 Plant-Animal Interactions01/04/2016 

A course may be taught as Writing Intensive as it is being developed, or a course may even display a “WI” in its catalog description. However, if a course does not appear on this list, it has not yet received its WI designation. Only courses on this list and for these dates can earn students WI credit.